i cannot believe it. i leave in five days for nicaragua. in less than a week, i will be sitting in a new country, surrounded by people who are speaking a language that i only partially understand. i will be in what will be my home for the next five months. going up to bellingham earlier this week was wonderful because i got to connect with old friends and see them in new situations, so that i can better picture what they are doing this year while i'm gone. going up there also reaffirmed that i am not supposed to be there at wwu right now. after this whole long ordeal, God has been faithful and has revealed His perfect, and holy plan to me in HIS time, not on my time or a convenient schedule. no, i actually learned what it means to trust in Him and rest in whatever He is calling me to do. i feel like i am being called down to managua for some very specific reason and i will go with a willing heart. it's so easy for me to just say, "i'm going to nicaragua for five months to work with a children's home", but then i stop and actually think about it. it will not be a walk in the park and there will be plenty of challenges. the language barrier, learning how to love these children, missing home... and yet all i can do is pray. and i ask that you would do the same.
pray for me- my safety traveling and while i am in managua (apparently nicaragua doesn't have the best reputation). my family and friends that i am leaving behind. the girls that i will be working directly with and that i would be able to build meaningful relationships with them. my ability to pick up spanish quickly. that i would be a bold and loving witness of Jesus Christ to every person that i meet along the way.
He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.' Mark 16:15
i am ready to go...
ps. here's the website of the organization that i'll be working with:
check it out sometime! you may have to cut/paste... i haven't mastered this whole blog thing yet.