wow. so i'm at home and yet, this place doesn't feel like home at all. tensions abound and all the stress that i've conveniently put out of my mind came rushing back within five minutes of pulling into vancouver. this weekend, i got to come home and visit the familia and it was the first time we've all been together in a year and a half. it's amazing to me how much has changed in that time period. how we've all grown closer together, but much more separately. i guess it hit me that i'm actually growing up. i got to meet my neice emily anne for the first time, even though she's nearly 1 year old. i guess that's what her living in africa translates to. she is such a cutie and i cherished this weekend and being able to do normal aunt things with her like pushing her around in the stroller or playing peekaboo. i guess all i can do for now is try to thoroughly enjoy the time i do get to spend with her, as erin's not planning on moving home anytime soon, sadly.

oh yes and the other little munchkin in my life. patrick james. he's three and my how he's grown since the last time i saw him.

my sister's here and it's not been as awkard as i was thinking it would be. you know, when an older sister lives in another country, it's not exactly easy to have a normal sister relationship, especially when power is sporadic and you're both busy trying to live your own lives well. but those 8 years in between us always seem to be such a minute detail when we're actually together again and i am reminded of what a strong woman she is and why i always looked up to her so much growing up. seeing her as a mother still catches me off guard a little, but i can tell she puts her heart and soul into these two. oh yeah and everyone says we look exactly alike. i think she's beautiful, so i wouldn't mind looking like her, but you decide...

i'm off to lebanon again tomorrow for week three of camp tadmor and i'm antsy to get back to it. things are going well so far. i'm so thankful that i'm back there this summer and have never before felt so at peace with anything that i'm doing. i really feel like i am myself there and the woman who God created me to be. the theme is Tadrome and we're talking a lot about how the kingdom of God is colliding with the kingdom of the world and what is looks like to live life as a Christian caught in between those two. it's good stuff- tough, but life changing if it is understood. the staff is great this summer- i'm making so many new friends. it's been a little overwhelming constantly being around 60 other people, after living essentially without friends for the last 5 months, but it's so refreshing to live in community again. i'm a bit sick right now, so this week should be interesting- hopefully the sinuses clear up before i pull onto camp miraculously... here's mogli and me. bffs.