Sunday, May 18, 2008

casi camp

three more weeks until i leave for camp. on june 10th, i'll be packing up and heading south to lebanon, OR for a summer of crazy adventures, challenges, and children. as much as i want to be there right now, i know i need to put it out of my mind a little bit and just focus hard on finishing up school and finishing up well. i'm so excited that mogli will be there again. i think that's one of the things i'm most excited for- strengthening old friendships and building new ones. all i know, please Lord, no boy distraction this summer... that was just ridiculous last year.

it's funny how through different life circumstances, we begin to realized different things about ourselves. things we like and want to keep around and things that we want to work to rid from our lives. something i'm beginning to realize about myself: my tendency to be bluntly honest 99.9% of the time. i guess it's not all bad- so many people like to just dance around the obvious. but perhaps, i should work on saying things with a little more tact.

i'm going to miss rose's this summer. but who knows maybe i'll be back there after camp? life post august 17th is all kind of up in the air. this sounds familiar. kind of like last year where i had no idea what i was doing and then ended up in nicaragua. who would have ever thought it? certainly not i. all i know is that the fall will bring the start of my last year of college. who knows where i'll be living? portland, vancouver? apartment, family's home, some random basement by hawthorne? i really have no idea. and am open to see what God's got planned.

here's to hoping the next three weeks fly by. kazam's about to be back in business. pray for campers that will come to camp tadmor this summer, especially those who will be in my cabin. pray for relationships among staff members. pray for a time of growth and movement by the Holy Spirit for everyone at camp.

1 comment:

rchrist05 said...

I dunno if you are going to even be reading this at all this summer, but hi! I'm glad to hear you're stoked about camp! I hope I get to talk to you soon -- I also hope you havent already sent me anything to Denver, because I decided last night I'm not going. That, my dear, is a longer story. Love you, am praying for you!